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The Food Supplement Nutrition Education rotation was one where I didn’t know what to expect. I’ve worked almost exclusively with adults since entering the field of dietetics- what would it be like working with children?

Turns out, it’s a lot of fun! Everything is new and exciting to them and they’re very eager to participate, raising hands to answer every question and sharing their thoughts. For classes that had stories read to them, I was surprised how good the kids were at remembering little details from the book- things I didn’t remember, despite it being sometimes the third or fourth time I heard it.

When it came time to preparing the snack, there were three rules: you have to take two bites, don’t yuck someone else’s yum, and wait until everyone has been served before tasting.

In all, FSNE was one of my favorite rotations. It was so different from all the others, in a good way, and I could see myself working in this area in the future!

FSNE: Services
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